International Symposium in Metallomics 10th


From October 26 to 31, 2025

ENS - PSL University, Paris - France

International Symposium in Metallomics 10th

Metal ions (such as iron, zinc, copper, manganese, nickel, cobalt...) are essential to biology, playing a key part in fundamental life processes such as respiration, photosynthesis, cell growth, genome regulation or maintenance, enzymatic reactions, cell proliferation, immune function, oxidative stress in pathological conditions, etc. The rich physico-chemical properties of these metal ions bring a chemical diversity in terms of structure or reactivity, which is widely exploited by living systems. Indeed, over 40% of living proteins are believed to contain a metal essential to their activity.


Metallomics deals with the study of metals and metalloids in biology; but it extends to the study of metal-based artificial systems, possibly bio-inspired by some components of the metallome, and their uses in health, energy and the environment. Other disciplines resort to techniques to analyze metallic speciation, structure and physico-chemical related properties: the cross-talk with geology or arts can be fertilizing and we will take the opportunity of this congress to open up the frontiers of biology to other disciplines dealing with the characterization of metal ions, including arts and heritage.

We expect to welcome you at the Ecole normale supérieure (ENS-PSL) for the 10th edition of International Symposium of Metallomics. You will have the opportunity to discover the historical location where Louis Pasteur and Jules Raulin, one of his collaborators who discovered in 1869 that zinc salts were required for the growing of Aspergillus niger, worked.

More to come soon.

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Themes and Topics

The days will punctuated by social seminars and technical discussions.

Metals and life,

including plants

Metals and health


and geochemistry, environment


and remediation, recycling

Metals and arts

Metals and characterization, imaging

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